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Hipinvites is a participant in the Creativemarket, Envato, Amazon, and other affiliate programs. An affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. Any references to third party products, rates, or websites are subject to change without notice.

We mention these products and services to you because we believe in them and want to help you improve your life. We only recommend products or services that we feel deliver value to you. With full disclosure, of course, Hipinvites is a for-profit business, which means we do earn an income with this website.

To make things simple,  you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links and that we will receive commission from your purchase. This does not cost you anything extra, but helps us to make a living.

All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!