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Last Updated on December 19, 2022

Choosing a baby shower party idea is just as difficult as selecting the gifts to present on this occasion. Fortunately for you, we’ve rounded up 15 amazing games to help diffuse those awkward moments of silence during baby showers.

Whether you’re the hostess (mom-to-be) or the invited guest, you can consider lining up the following ideas for your next baby shower celebration. The games are all G-rated, which means they’re perfect for all audiences – both the young and the young at heart.

1. Name That Tune

Objective: To test the guests’ music-savviness.

How to Play:
i. Make a playlist of popular or classic songs with the words “Babe” or “Baby” in the title.
ii. Have the tune to each song play for three seconds.
iii. Let everyone test their music-savviness by correctly guessing the song’s title.

To spice things up, you can challenge the guests who made the wrong guesses to sing selected stanzas of the songs after revealing their title.
Alternatively, you can host a competition where you play all the songs in the playlist, with all the guests noting down the titles for each song. At the end of the party, the person with the most correct guesses gets a standing ovation or a relevant gift, such as a headphone or iTunes gift card.

2. You Can’t Say That

Objective: To gauge the guests’ short-term memory.

How to Play:
i. At the beginning of the game, choose a common baby shower-themed word that everyone will be forbidden from saying. Common suggestions include “baby,” “shower,” “boy,” “girl,” or “pregnancy.”
ii. Anyone caught saying the forbidden word is eliminated.
iii. The last person to use the word or the one person who doesn’t say the word at all wins the game.

3. Diaper Raffle

Objective: To help the hostess stock up on diapers.

How to Play:
i. Ask all the invited guests to bring a diaper pack of any size to the baby shower. Whoever brings a pack enters a raffle for a chance to win a gift.
ii. On the day of the baby shower, issue each guest with a raffle ticket for every diaper pack they bring.
NOTE: The prize to be won should be reasonably inexpensive, preferably less than half the cost of the cheapest diaper pack. The goal is to ensure the mom-to-be benefits more than her invited guests.

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4. Baby Shower Bingo

Objective: To engage the guests in the gift-opening.

How to Play:
i. Print out enough Bingo templates, based on the number of the invited guests. The conventional wisdom is to print around 5 templates more than the actual number of invitees.
ii. Have everyone fill the blank spaces with all the possible registry items.
iii. The first person to make a complete horizontal, vertical, or diagonal wins.

5. Who’s That Baby?

Objective: Perfect for people who’ve never met before, the objective of this baby shower game is to help the guests identify each other based on their baby photos.

How to Play:
i. Ask each guest to bring a baby photo of themselves.
ii. Place the photos on a central table or pin them to the wall.
iii. Have the attendees take turns trying to match the baby photos with the correct guest.

6. How Old Was She?

Objective: To see who can correctly guess the hostess’ ages at different times, based on her past photos.

How to Play:
i. The mom-to-be pulls up several past photos of her at different ages, beginning from pictures from her childhood.
ii. The photos are jumbled up and placed on a central table or taped to a wall, with a number assigned to each.
iii. Guests write down how old they think the expecting mom was based on the number of each picture.
iv. The person with the highest number of correct guesses wins.

7. Who Knows Mommy Best?

Objective: To find out who among the attendees understands the mom-to-be the most.

How to Play:
i. Find out as much information about the mom-to-be, including her likes, dislikes, professional life, the nature of her pregnancy, etc.
ii. During the game, the hostess or a designated person asks questions regarding the mom-to-be while everyone else writes down the answers.
iii. The person with the most correct answers win.

8. Embarrassing Baby Stories

Objective: An ice-breaking baby shower game meant to let the attendees reminisce on their childhood.

How to Play:
i. Everyone takes turns narrating an embarrassing childhood story.
ii. In the end, the guests vote on the most exciting story.
iii. The winner gets a small prize.

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9. The Baby Wish List

Objective: To shower the mom-to-be with a huge list of what the baby shower attendees hope will happen to her expected bundle of joy.

How to Play:
i. Decorate a small bucket or box with baby-themed colors.
ii. Ask each guest to write down the top ten things they hope will happen to or for the infant in their lifetime.
NOTE: This is one of the few baby shower games that doesn’t necessarily require a prize. But if you want to spice things up, you can have each guest indicate their name on their wish list.
At the end of each round, the attendees can read the lists and decide by consensus who created the most thoughtful bucket list. The winner can then be feted.

10. Baby Items in the Bag

Objective: To determine which guest can accurately figure out baby items using only their sense of touch.

How to Play:
i. Put ten common newborn baby items inside a diaper bag.
ii. Pass the bag around and have each attendee, without looking, stick their hand inside the bag and identify as many baby items as possible within a specific timeframe.
iii. The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

11. Mommy and Daddy’s Secrets

Objective: To find out how well the parents-to-be know each other.

How to Play:
i. Each of the invitees writes down a list of 10 questions.
ii. The guests then take turns to ask one of the couples the questions while the other partner is out of the room.
iii. After recording the answers from one spouse, the other spouse is invited into the room and asked the same set of questions.
iv. Both couples are then invited into the room and each is asked to guess the answer they think their partner gave to each question.
v. The partner that makes the most correct guesses wins a prize.

12. The Mama or the Papa?

Objective: To correctly guess the relatives of the parents-to-be based on random photos.

How to Play:
i. Ask both parents-to-be to bring about a half-dozen of their respective family photos.
ii. Spread the photos over a central table or bulletin board.
iii. Have everyone guess whether the person in each photo is related to the mom-to-be or dad-to-be.
iv. As usual, the person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

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13. Baby Candy Taste Test

Objective: To determine who can guess the most flavors correctly.

How to Play:
i. Round up several confectionery products.
ii. Have the guests take turns guessing the flavors of each product.
iii. The person with the most correct guesses gets to keep the candies or gummies.
NOTE: This baby shower party game idea is perfect if all your invitees have a sweet tooth. If you’re averse to the idea of candies, you might consider a food-based taste test.
In this case, you’d start by preparing a meal, preferably stew. Pour the stew into different cooking pots and add a different flavor to each pot, then have your guests taste-test the flavors.

14. Disney Characters Baby Game

Objective: To gauge the guests’ knowledge of Disney characters.

How to Play:
i. Deal out a pen and paper to all the invited guests.
ii. Ask the guests to write down the names of all the Disney characters they can remember within a specified timeframe.
iii. Check to see who wrote the most characters within the deadline.

15. Price is Right

Objective: To determine the attendee’s knowledge of common baby items.

How to Play:
i. Pre-purchase 10 common baby items, preferably ones you think the parents-to-be will need.
ii. Place the items on a table.
iii. Give each attendee a pen and paper and ask them to write what they think the price of each item is.
iv. Whoever can come up with the most correct guesses wins a small prize. However, the hosts get to keep all the ten baby items.

Final Word

Baby showers don’t have to be dull and boring. Not when there are plenty of fun game ideas to liven up the celebrations.

We hope you can find a perfect idea from the above collection to make your next baby shower truly unforgettable.